Janine's Success Story

How the Power Station was born, and what it stands for.

Janine’s story: From powerless to empowered.

That burning desire to be more… to shape my success. I know what it feels like.


To ooze confidence, create impact effortlessly and move through life as a fearless warrior whose insides are flaming with the kind of passion and purpose that gets people to pause, listen and engage…


That’s what being successful is about for me. But I didn’t start out that way. Oh no. Far from that.

Fear and comparison ran the show during my first decade as a marketing and public relations leader. Just a glance from the senior stakeholders would suffice to shut my ideas out. And those peer meetings? My voice? Poof. Gone.


I was stumbling around, unsure of what value I brought to the table. Every little misstep felt like a punch in the gut. I’d retreat behind closed doors, tears flowing, calling myself a failure. I kept dreaming of that fresh start, which seemed always out of reach.


Took an entire year of coaching and soul searching to uncover my unique edge, find my voice and kick my performance up a notch. I was ready to go all in for the impact I wanted to create in my lifetime. And that’s what I did.


Packed up, changed careers, and dove headfirst into launching a global coaching and facilitation business. Ended up partnering with leaders and brands across 23 countries and set up a charity we run as a family.


That electric feeling of activation that coursed through my body, igniting me to be more… I wish that EVERY professional experiences it. To know your power, leverage your strengths and step out of your own way to write your own story of success.

The goal?


Embrace who you were meant to become since day one:

A formidable force for greatness capable of great success.


The Power Station offers a powerful combination of coaching, strategy, and accountability, along with done-for-you personal branding services, to ignite your success. We do this by removing overwhelm and activating clarity, confidence, credibility, and visibility.


The world needs you.


There’s never been a better time to feel empowered and activate your success than right now. So, let’s roll up our sleeves, stand shoulder to shoulder and impact the world together!

In your corner,

~ Janine

My mission?

Your activation.

My mission is to help driven professionals become empowered, owning their career success, and fuelling their version of an extraordinary life.


The values that shape all that I do, say, and expect.

Be Brave

Do hard things.

Be Collaborative

Embrace the power of many minds.

Be Creative

Explore without limitation.

Be Genuine

Harness your uniqueness.

Be Imperfect

Take massive imperfect action, daily.

Be Kind

Treat everyone as a someone.

Be Resilient

Absorb the feedback, not the failure.

Be Responsible

Lean in and follow through.

Be Responsive

Do what you can today.

Be Warrior-like

Fight for the things that count the most.

Janine’s Coaching Commitment

I am a supportive, straight talker who will…
Janine Manning, Career Coach and Personal Branding, The Power Station


When a ‘giant human reset button’ meets a ‘motivational force for greatness’…

You get Janine Manning.

As a personal brand strategist and executive coach, Janine thrives on motivating, challenging, and championing her clients.

An international marketing and public relations professional, Janine pivoted her career to executive coaching in 2009, quickly building a reputation as a confidence catalyst and personal branding authority for professionals. Whilst based in Hong Kong for eight years, Janine also began partnering with leaders across industries to build personal brand clarity and momentum while delivering personal branding workshops to emerging leaders in global brands.

Tired of playing small, Janine wrote her success story and took action.

The result?

The Power Station was born. It’s Janine’s lifework, built around the vision to impact the world positively by helping others write their success story, and live it.

PCC ICF Certified Coach | ICC Certified International Coach | Gallup Clifton Strengths Certified Practitioner | Integrative Enneagram Practitioner | B.Com Marketing & PR.

Top 10 Clifton Strengths: Empathy, Relator, Activator, Maximizer, Arranger, Communication, Focus, Developer, Positivity, Arranger

Book a free 45 min consult to explore your success journey.